
Bi-Tapp News: What is happening in the world of Bi-Tapp

Bi-Tapp is a resource for people in recovery

Addiction is one of the most difficult things a person and their loved ones can go through. Being in recovery and maintaining sobriety takes incredible courage, vulnerability and persistence. I have spent my entire career working in the field of trauma resolution and have worked with many people who are in recovery to reprocess traumas they have experienced. There are two things I have learned while working with this population. First, there are no shortcuts to maintaining your sobriety. Second, there are many things that can trigger a relapse and it can happen very quickly.

Bi-Tapp is an excellent resource for people in recovery. The tappers are not a replacement for any part of treatment, but they are a tool that can augment and help in these ways:

  • Regulate emotions
  • Decrease stress levels
  • Manage triggers
  • Reduce pain
  • Improve sleep

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Megan who has been in recovery from alcohol and drugs since August 23, 2007. Megan shares how Bi-Tapp has helped her and her family and continues to be a valuable tool for maintaining her sobriety.

Welcome, Megan. Thank you for talking with me today about your sobriety and how you’ve benefited from using Bi-Tapp.

“You’re welcome. I am so grateful for the life I get to live today, to be sober, and to be a sober mother.”

When you were first getting sober, how did you manage your anxiety?

“It was tough; the detox period was particularly hard. I managed my anxiety the best I could by taking walks or reaching out to talk to someone. Meetings were also helpful, but there were many times when my mind was spinning and I couldn’t focus. During those times, I usually colored. But even then, there were many days I just suffered through it.”

Bi-Tapp wasn’t available at the beginning of your recovery in 2007. Looking back, how would Bi-Tapp have been a useful tool for you when you first got sober?

“In the beginning, not only did I struggle with high levels of anxiety and overwhelm, but I also felt extremely awkward in most social settings. I didn’t have substances to lean on to help me feel relaxed and comfortable.

The tappers would have helped me tremendously during the detox period. They would have also helped in my early recovery to socialize within my window of tolerance. Recovery meetings would have been easier to attend. I would have felt calmer and better able to share my experience. When I was in residential treatment, tappers would have helped me focus while doing my homework, and they would have helped me sleep. Sleep is hard to come by, especially in early recovery. The tappers are an excellent resource for people in recovery and I wish I had access to them at that time.”

In what situations do you currently use the tappers?

“The tappers are the most effective tool I use to help me fall asleep at night. I use them when I am overwhelmed, anxious, upset, triggered or anytime I am struggling to stay in my window of tolerance. The tappers are a great help whenever I have to speak or teach in public. I use them at work, in church and at recovery meetings.

My second pregnancy was a high risk pregnancy because the doctors found a brain tumor while my baby was in utero. I suffered prenatal anxiety and depression. So, when I would start to feel high levels of panic, I would use the tappers and it would calm me down almost immediately.

I required a C-section and was terrified to take narcotics but I knew it was necessary to do so at this time. The tappers not only helped me with anxiety but also with physical pain. The doctors and nurses were amazed at how little of the narcotics I had to take and how quickly I got off of them. I don’t know what I would have done without the tappers during that time.

As a mother of small children and someone who must manage my anxiety daily, tappers are one of the essential tools I use. They are helping me live a wonderful, beautiful, productive life.”

How do you know the tappers are helping you?

“Overall, I have seen a reduction in my anxiety and an improved ability to manage daily stressors. When I get overwhelmed, feel anxious or am triggered, the intervals don’t last as long. I’m able to get back in my window of tolerance much quicker. I’m also able to go to sleep easily at night when I use the tappers.”

Does anyone else in your family benefit from using the tappers?

“The tappers have helped my young daughter when she has a hard time falling asleep or if she wakes up with growing pains. I give her the tappers and within minutes, she is calm and back to sleep. They help calm my daughter when she’s sick, or nervous. For example, she’ll hold them during dental appointments.

I’m a big fan of the tappers because I’ve seen firsthand how they’ve helped my family and me. I’d recommend them to as a resource for people in recovery or anyone who suffers from high anxiety.”

To learn more about the Bluetooth tappers, go to

To watch Megan’s testimonial video, go to