For victims of crime, recounting their trauma to investigators, police, attorneys, advocates, and in court is often a necessary part of seeking justice and healing emotional wounds. However, the process of telling their story, known as a trauma narrative, is often...
Physical pain is something that we all have had experience with; falling down, dealing with sports injuries, headaches, etc. When your pain is intense, it is almost impossible to employ typical pain management techniques, like taking a slow, deep breath. This is...
Bilateral coordination is a term that is interchangeable with bilateral stimulation and bilateral tapping. Bilateral coordination is something we engage in every day when we walk, eat or read, to cite a few examples. Occupational therapists regularly help their...
EMDR equipment has helped with the advancement of EMDR therapy throughout the world. Bilateral stimulation is part of EMDR therapy. Initially, therapists provided the hand movements needed for this type of therapy. However, not every client could do the eye movements...