Trauma is an ever-present reality in a world marred by crises, war, natural disasters, and societal upheavals. From war-torn regions to communities recovering from devastating floods or wildfires, the collective toll of trauma is immeasurable. In many cases, the...
On March 10, we’ll set our clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings Time (DST). It seems simple: gain an hour here or lose an hour there. But this simple shift can disrupt your sleep more than you think. Research shows this isn’t just about losing or...
If you’ve been through a traumatic event or experienced ongoing traumatic stress, such as being in an abusive relationship or wartime, you know firsthand how completely overwhelming and frightening this can be. When struggling with acute stress, your sense of...
The holiday season is a wonderful time to connect with loved ones. Yet, for many of us, it also brings a unique brand of stress, especially when it involves family gatherings. Love for our family is often deep, but family dynamics can often be difficult. This year,...
Bilateral coordination is a term that is interchangeable with bilateral stimulation and bilateral tapping. Bilateral coordination is something we engage in every day when we walk, eat or read, to cite a few examples. Occupational therapists regularly help their...
We are experiencing a mental health crisis in our communities on a level that has never been seen before. For example, during the pandemic, there was an 891 percent increase in calls to national hotlines. (1) The needs have continued to exceed the help that is...