For victims of crime, recounting their trauma to investigators, police, attorneys, advocates, and in court is often a necessary part of seeking justice and healing emotional wounds. However, the process of telling their story, known as a trauma narrative, is often...
Bilateral coordination is a term that is interchangeable with bilateral stimulation and bilateral tapping. Bilateral coordination is something we engage in every day when we walk, eat or read, to cite a few examples. Occupational therapists regularly help their...
Going back to school is often a time of heightened anxiety for everyone: students, parents, caregivers and educators. Everyone benefits from knowing a few basic tips to proactively manage your anxiety or the anxiety of your children or students. At times of heightened...
First Responders get regular exposure to stressful and traumatic events that can impact every area of their life, Including difficulty getting quality sleep and strained personal relationships. Having access to anxiety relief technology both on “and” off duty is the...
Bi-Tapp is a regulation resource that helps reduce anxiety and helps improve academic performance. When someone becomes overly anxious, they struggle to concentrate and are easily overwhelmed. When a student has access to a resource that they can use “in the...